Yoga Volunteer Training Schedule – 36 Hours
(1). Briefing Session
- Utility of this Scheme
- Role & Responsibilities
- Working Field & Criteria
- Introduction of Trainer & Participants
- Welcome Note from Institution
- Yoga Session
(2). Introduction
- What is Yoga?
- Brief History & Development of Yoga
- The Fundamentals of Yoga
- Traditional Schools of Yoga
- Yogic Practices for Health & Wellness
- General Guidelines for Yoga Practice
- Food for Thought
- How Can Yoga Help?
(3). Prayer
- Activity – Prayer
(4). Calana Kriyas/Loosening Practice
- Neck Movement
- Shoulder’s movement
- Trunk Movement (Kati Sakti Vikasaka)
- Knee Movement
(5). Yogasanas – Standing Postures
- Tadasana
- Vrksasana
- Pada-Hastasana
- ArdhaCakrasana
- Trikonasana
(6). Yogasanas – Sitting Postures
- Bhadrasana
- Vajrasana/Virasana
- ArdhaUstrasana(for beginners)
- Ustrasana
- Sasakasana
- UttanaMandūkasana
- Marichyasana / Vakrasana
(7). Prone Postures
- Makarasana
- Bhujangasana
- Salabhasana
(8). Supine Postures
- Setubandhasana
- Uttanapadasana
- Ardhahalasana
- Pavanamuktasana
- Savasana
(9). Pranayama
- NadiSodhana / AnulomaViloma
- Sitali
- Bhramari
- UjjayePranayam
(10). Kriya
- Kapalbhati
- Neti
- Trataka
(11). Miscellaneous
- Dhyana
- Sankalpa
- Santih Patha
(12). Other
- Life Management & Preventive Health
- Revision
- Doubt class, home going Instructions, Q&A
(13). Assessment (Final)
- Assessment (Final)