Ricapitolando, se un giocatore deposita 20 € riceve altri 20 € con cui scommettere su giochi da casinò. A prescindere che utilizzi vincite generate o il proprio saldo di gioco deve puntare almeno 900 € entro 30 giorni dalla data di attivazione del bonus. Una volta scommesso questo importo le eventuali vincite diventano un bonus reale in formato di coupon con requisito di puntata di 1 volta da scommettere entro 7 giorni. In nessun caso, il bonus è prelevabile prima di averlo convertito in saldo reale. Questo vuol dire che il giocatore deve giocare i 10 € senza deposito 75 volte con i propri soldi per un totale di 750 € per ricevere massimo altri 10 € in formato di coupon.

Codere Casino

Per saperne di più su tutte le offerte promozionali di Codere Casino, ti consigliamo di consultare con la massima attenzione i Termini e Condizioni di ciascuna offerta. Le promozioni di benvenuto dell’operatore spagnolo non si limitano alle scommesse sportive online. Aprendo un conto di gioco per la prima volta è possibile ottenere su Codere bonus benvenuto dedicati al casinò. Qualora ne fossero in possesso, i nuovi iscritti possono registrarsi utilizzando un codice promozione Codere. Tutto ciò che serve per aderire all’offerta è iscriversi sulla piattaforma di gioco, opzionalmente con codice promozione Codere, e depositare almeno 20€.

Tutto Sulle Scommesse

I giocatori hanno la possibilità di versare o prelevare le loro somme essenzialmente attraverso i metodi più diffusi come carte di credito, PostePay ma anche e-wallet quali Skrill e Neteller. Ricordiamo però che utilizzare questi ultimi due canali di pagamento potrebbe comportare l’esclusione dalle iniziative promozionali. Il servizio clienti di Codere è ottimo, puoi contattare il customer service di Codere via live chat, telefono o mail. Il bookmaker Codere ha una apposita sezione per i Virtual Games dove ci sono giochi di varie categorie con eventi che partono di continuo. Purtroppo Paypal non è un metodo di pagamento messo a disposizione da Codere, però è possibile utilizzare altri metodi di pagamento veloci e sicuri di cui Postepay, Carta di Credito o Neteller. Compila la sezione con tutti i tuoi dati personali, in questo step avrai bisogno di utilizzare il codice fiscale e documenti, quindi è sempre importante averli a portata di mano.

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Per poter sbloccare il bonus l’utente deve depositare e scommettere 10 euro su qualsiasi quota singola o multipla entro 30 giorni dalla registrazione. Al completamento della scommessa, l’utente riceve altri 10 euro da scommettere su quadruple con quote da minimo 1.50 entro 7 giorni. Il bonus in questione è riservata, così come tutti gli altri welcome bonus, a tutti i nuovi utenti di questo portale che, di conseguenza, per poterne usufruire devono prima effettuare la registrazione.

Su questi siti avrete la possibilità di giocare su modalità diverse e con una varietà di giochi e sport davvero ampia. Anche se a noi non interessa particolarmente, sappiate che anche la sezione sport mette a disposizione tutta una serie di sottomenu utili ad ottimizzare il gioco degli utenti. Possiamo infatti cercare informazioni sugli eventi live, sulle quote e sui regolamenti di scommessa, ma anche avere una pratica panoramica su punteggi in diretta, ippica e promozioni pensate per gli amanti delle scommesse sportive. Il bonus di benvenuto casinò è pari a 200€ (nel paragrafo seguente analizzeremo il tutto nel dettaglio). Ricordiamo l’area casinò di Codere è molto fornita di giochi e slot per tutti i gusti degli utenti registrati sull’operatore.

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Online dal 2009, MrBingo.it si presenta come una semplice guida al mondo del bingo online e delle sale in possesso di licenza AAMS. Mr Bingo è un sito indipendente sul bingo online e non è in alcun modo controllato, gestito o affiliato ad ADM, l’Agenzia delle Accise, Dogane e Monopoli. MrBingo.it non è responsabile per il contenuto di ogni altro sito, anche se pubblicizzato, linkato o descritto su MrBingo.it.

Sito Non Attivo

I giochi scelti sono prodotti di qualità, che garantiscono la sicurezza oltre che il divertimento, così da evitare problematiche in termini di scorrettezza. Nel piè di pagina è possibile trovare agevolmente il contratto di gioco che si firma all’iscrizione e tutte le informazioni relative a termini e condizioni, dati legali dell’azienda, ma anche specifiche di alcune tipologie di giochi. In questa recensione andiamo a soffermarci sui punti chiave della piattaforma, in particolar modo l’offerta di giochi e il bonus d’iscrizione per i giocatori di slot italiani.

Le Scommesse Virtuali Disponibili Su Codere

Inoltre, dopo aver effettuato la registrazione e in seguito alla convalida dei documenti, Codere accrediterà 10€ sul conto gioco dell’utente da utilizzare esclusivamente sulle Video Slot (requisito di puntata pari a 75). Altra sezione di grande interesse su Codere è quella dedicata alle scommesse sportive. Ovviamente nella versione italiana del sito vanno per la maggiore gli sport che hanno più successo nel nostro paese, come il calcio, il tennis e la pallavolo, forse a discapito di sport un po’ di nicchia. Come anticipato nell’introduzione dedicata al codice promozione Codere, stiamo parlando di un gruppo spagnolo, nato nel 1980 e principalmente dedito alla gestione di sale da gioco, ippodromi e casino. Nel corso del tempo il gruppo si è allargato al Sud e al Centro America (Argentina, Messico, Uruguay, Colombia, Panama e Brasile) ed è stato in passato sponsor della prestigiosa squadra di calcio del Real Madrid.

Entro 4 giorni dalla refertazione di tutti gli eventi presenti nella giocata, l’utente ottiene una Free Bet da 10€. Non sono molti i bookmaker che permettono agli utenti appena iscritti di cominciare il proprio percorso con un bonus senza deposito. Codere è uno di questi, grazie a una FREEBET DI 10 EURO per le Scommesse Sportive che si aggiunge a un Funbonus di 10 euro da utilizzare nella sezione Casinò. Aprire un nuovo conto di gioco sul sito web , completando codere l’iscrizione con dati personali e d’accesso, dettagli del documento d’identità, indicando le limitazioni sul deposito e validando le Condizioni generali. Il Bonus Senza Deposito su Codere, valido per scommesse sportive e casinò, permette di ottenere 10€ senza effettuare una ricarica. Il casinò Codere Italia, oltre al bonus di benvenuto senza deposito, offre anche un bonus che prevede una ricarica obbligatoria e che può portare fino a 200€ di credito extra.

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A questo punto il nuovo giocatore viene accolto da un bonus di benvenuto di 10€ senza deposito alla convalida del documento valido. Ricevi 10€ gratis, validi per 30 giorni e con un requisito di scommesse pari a 75x. Ma le sorprese non finiscono qui, infatti i nuovi utenti possono scegliere di ricevere in alternativa  l’esclusivo bonus di benvenuto solo Casino del 100% sul 1° deposito minimo di 20€ con un importo massimo di 200€. Per questa offerta si applicano requisiti minimi di giocata pari a 45 volte il valore della promozione. Durante l’anno, Codere include anche interessanti promozioni Cashback, che permettono di ricevere indietro una parte dei soldi persi per per un valore di circa il 5- 25%  e promozioni giri gratis. Di solito questo tipo di offerta è dedicato a quelle slot da poco rilasciate sul mercato e che devono ancora essere pubblicizzate.

Questo operatore si sta ritagliando un ruolo di primo piano nel nostro paese dopo lo straordinario successo riscontrato in Spagna e in America Latina. Le promozioni di Codere seppur non molte sono comunque vantaggiose per chi apre un conto gioco sul sito scommesse. In più il bonus benvenuto è uno dei pochi in Italia che permette di effettuare scommesse gratis. Codere è un sito scommesse Spagnolo, entrato in Italia recentemente ed in forte ascesa tra gli appassionati. La crescita del bookmaker è un risultato al quanto naturale considerando l’ottima e amplia offerta sulle scommesse sportive online, scommesse virtuali, casinò, bingo, poker, ed addirittura gratta e vinci.

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Essendo un nuovo bookmaker per il mercato italiano (ovviamente è AAMS), analizzeremo insieme i bonus Codere sia per le scommesse che per gli altri giochi, bonus molto interessanti visto che Codere vuole attirare più utenti possibili. Come avrete notato, il sito scommesse Codere presenta quindi tantissime possibilità di gioco diverso, e in generale è davvero un bookmaker completo sotto tutti i punti di vista. Il bonus benvenuto Codere è un bonus scommesse riservato ad i nuovi giocatori, che viene assegnato sotto forma di bonus scommesse gratis o free bet. L’offerta scommesse live di Codere non è per niente deludente in quanto vengono offerti davvero molti sport.

Codere è un sito nuovo e ancora non ha ricevuto premi di alcun tipo, ma vista l’offerta che propone agli utenti sicuramente è solo questione di tempo, prima che riceva il giusto rilievo che merita. Non è presente un reale centro FAQ, ma la rapidità dell’assistenza clienti non ce ne ha fatto sentire la mancanza. Pur non possedendo una vera e propria app, tramite la versione del sito ottimizzata per dispositivi mobili giocare stando fuori casa è comunque semplice e comodo. Dalla navigazione sul sito da browser al download dell’app nativa (se presente), qui ci occupiamo della user experience del sito di casinò in tutte le sue varie sfaccettature. L’apertura di un conto gioco dovrebbe avvenire in modo rapido e senza troppa fatica, per questo motivo controlliamo con cura anche i tempi di registrazione.

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All’utente è semplicemente richiesto di effettuare una giocata del valore di 10€ su tutti i mercati sia live che pre-match entro 30 giorni dall’iscrizione per vedersi accreditata una Free Bet della stessa somma. Il Bonus multipla sulle scommesse sportive di Codere offre un incremento del 70% sulle giocate effettuate su almeno quattro eventi in schedina. Per ottenere questa offerta bisogna aver depositato almeno 10€ sul conto di gioco. Anche la sezione da casinò di Codere è particolarmente ricca di opzioni, soprattutto per gli appassionati di slot machine. La promo senza deposito di 10 € per slot è sicuramente il punto di forza del sito, anche se è presente un requisito di puntata di 75 volte che alcuni giocatori potrebbero fare fatica a soddisfare.

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L’App di Codere per Android è reperibile dal sito ufficiale selezionando il download della versione APK dell’applicazione. L’apk Android di Codere può essere installata solo in seguito all’attivazione e alla concessione del permesso di installare l’app da fonti sconosciute. Compilare il form di Codere con tutti i dati richiesti dall’operatore, tra cui il documento d’identità, e accettare i dettagli del contratto. Possiamo anche parlare di app per mobile, ma il discorso purtroppo non è ancora completo. Sia per il sistema operativo Android che per l’iOS al momento è possibile solo visitare il sito dell’operatore attraverso la versione mobile che appare comunque ottimizzata per i piccoli schermi.

Corsi formativi professionali gratuiti per i lavoratori dei casinò online, orientati verso le buone pratiche del settore, per migliorare l’esperienza di gioco e favorire un approccio onesto verso il gioco d’azzardo. Infatti, analizzeremo nel dettaglio le principali funzioni di questa piattaforma cercando di scoprire, innanzitutto, la varietà dei giochi ma anche i metodi di pagamento e il servizio clienti disponibile. Per fornire le migliori esperienze, noi e i nostri partner utilizziamo tecnologie come i cookie per memorizzare e/o accedere alle informazioni del dispositivo. Il consenso a queste tecnologie permetterà a noi e ai nostri partner di elaborare dati personali come il comportamento durante la navigazione o gli ID univoci su questo sito. Non acconsentire o ritirare il consenso può influire negativamente su alcune caratteristiche e funzioni.

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Stiamo parlando di un bookmaker davvero completo in quanto ci sono sia la parte scommesse che la parte casino e poker. I bonus offerti da Codere sono molto interessanti e il sito è ottimo sia da mobile che da desktop. Kelbet.it è una guida alle scommesse sportive e al gioco per principianti ed esperti. Le funzioni di deposito e prelievo disponibili su Codere sono quelle principali offerte dai siti scommesse online e casinò. L’operatore consente di depositare e prelevare attraverso carte (anche pregate) di credito e portafogli elettronici. Oltre al Codere bonus benvenuto disponibile sulla sezione del bingo, i giocatori possono prendere parte agli immancabili chat games che tendono a rendere l’esperienza di gioco più interessante.

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Il Bonus football viene attivato quando compaiono 3,4 o 5 simboli di pallone scatter consecutivamente sui rulli. I simboli WILD vengono trasferiti nelle schermate adiacenti e mantenuti per tutta la durata dell’Hot spin. Dopo aver effettuato il login è essenziale cliccare sul pulsante “Prelievo”. In seguito, scegliere tra le opzioni di prelievo, inserire l’importo e cliccare sul pulsante “Preleva”. Dopo aver effettuato il login, l’utente dovrà cliccare su “Deposito”, selezionare l’icona del pagamento, digitare l’importo da depositare e cliccare infine su “Deposita”.

Una volta terminata la registrazione l’utente riceverà un bonus pari al 100% di tutti i depositi effettuati esclusivamente il giorno in cui ha eseguito il primo deposito, fino a un massimo di 200€ in totale. Codere, nome del casinò che opera in Italia tramite i servizi offerte dalla società Codere Scommesse S.r.L, è un sito di gioco online molto popolare in Spagna e in altri paesi europei che fa parte del gruppo aziendale Microgame. Sbloccando il welcome bonus casinò, l’utente non potrà attivare il benvenuto scommesse e viceversa. Il Bonus Codere è di tipo FUN BONUS ed ha un requisito di giocata di 75 volte (75X). Una volta soddisfatta questa condizione, verrà rilasciato un coupon del valore massimo di 20€ che andrà speso nella Lobby Casino del sito Codere ed avrà durata di 7 giorni.

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La maggiorazione scatta dal 4° evento inserito nella multipla fino a 30 eventi con quota minima 1,20. Questo paragrafo sarà dedicato interamente ai bonus scommesse proposti da Codere e nello specifico al welcome bonus scommesse per tutti i nuovi registrati. In basso, inoltre, il focus sarà incentrato sul bonus multipla e sulle promozioni scommesse dell’operatore, senza dimenticare il bonus senza deposito per l’area video slot. Codere è un bookmaker nato in Spagna e diffusosi poi anche in America Latina. Da poco è sbarcato in Italia e sta offrendo delle promozioni molto interessanti.

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LeoVegas is a highly secure online casino with a tremendous variety of games, rich promotions, and reliable payments for every taste. This is why the distinguished operator is considered one of the best online casinos in Ireland. Like any good online casino, Leovegas understands the importance of deposit and withdrawal processing to players and, as such, features some of the most popular options.

One of the most impressive things about LeoVegas is that more than 500 out of their 800+ games are mobile-friendly. This is a number that no other casino can match, yet that’s only part of the reason why LeoVegas is considered to be the number one mobile casino in the world. The site and the games run perfectly on all types of devices, as long as they run on a relatively new version of iOS or Android. [newline]The overall mobile performance will leave players in Ireland with quite good impressions. Before we go into detail about the operator, we want to assure you that if you choose to open an account with LeoVegas Ireland, you will receive honest treatment and a fair chance at winning. The site is holding a Malta Gaming Authority licence and regularly undergoes strict audits and tests to ensure the fairness of the games and the safety of the software. As with most casinos, the withdrawal time at LeoVegas is usually determined by the payment method that a player selects, which often influences the processing time.

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Here is everything I’ve learned about live casino games over the years. Sometimes, we just want to try something out, but don’t want to spend too much money on it. Since live games don’t offer demo versions or free-to-play versions, it’s better to start with the minimum bet… I mean, losing 10 pence is always better than 10 pounds, or more. And if you’re looking for an even lower bet, bCasino offers live casino games for just  € 0.01. We have a wealth of experience as both casino dealers and players, we do this for a living; rating and reviewing online casinos for you – the player (casino reviews link). Minimum deposit casinos are something that we are passionate about, from both a reviewer and a player point of view.

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In the live casino, you play against a real dealer via an HD camera with picture and sound, which you can also contact via chat. If you want to become a new player at Leo Vegas, there is a special live casino bonus available. Despite its relative inexperience in the market, the casino has been able to draw a large number of favourites. It has recently become one of the best online casinos on the net.

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But Leovegas casino presents a more contemporary, visually pleasing gaming environment than Lyra casino and Slotman casino. Also, Leovegas offers their customers the opportunity to access the casino on their mobile app, whereas Lyra casino and Slotman casino do not have mobile apps. However, suppose you are more interested in a casino that treats its players like royalty, with awesome bonuses and promotions, checking out Leovegas casino would be a good decision. For this betting platform, the wagering across all LeoVegas Casino bonuses is set at 35 times the bonus amount. In contrast, a LeoVegas Casino bonus for live casino games has a 75x requirement, and cash spins have no wagering requirements.

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LeoVegas have proven themselves to be an excellent online sportsbook operator and their offering in this sector is easily a match for their more established casino platform. The odds on offer here are extremely competitive while the range of betting markets and sports is impressive. Register today using the links provided and grab yourself an exceptional welcome bonus upon joining. BonusFinder brings you this casino Leo Vegas review to enhance your gambling experience. On BonusFinder, you can find reviews for Ireland’s most popular casino sites.

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LeoVegas Sports is the offshoot of the popular casino where Irish players can enjoy a broad spectrum of popular games. Here, they can also bet on their favorite teams, at a bookmaker licensed by the UK Gambling Commission and the Malta Gaming Authority. Punters can expect the same beautiful and easy to navigate website and the unmatched convenience of betting on dozens of sports and hundreds of markets on mobile devices. It is safe to say that the casino has a good reputation and this is in no small part due to its focus on safe, secure and fast banking. Here we find bank transfers, Visa, Maestro, MasterCard, NETELLER, Paysafe Card, POLi, Trustly, and Skrill secured by the latest SSL encryption technology.

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In addition to its casino games, LeoVegas has a sports betting platform provided by Kambi, which is a reputable company when it comes to odds. You’ll find a wide selection of matches to bet on in more than 30 different sports. These features include setting daily, weekly or monthly deposit limits; session time limits; daily, weekly or monthly wagering limits; time outs; or view your transaction history at any time.

Feel free to apply it as well to avoid unpleasant surprises after signing up. By choosing a low deposit casino you are joining thousands, if not millions, of casino enthusiasts that understand the perks of these casinos. Not only do you extend the entertainment and time playing these fun and innovative sites you aren’t losing out on your chances to win big. The finest real money leovegas rewards will give you cash to boost your bankroll to begin playing with, but keep the promotions coming long after that as well. Moreover, LeoVegas Gaming plc, a company standing behind the platform, works in accordance with the valid EU regulation. All in all, LeoVegas is a very established name in the industry- safe to players and adhering to responsible gambling standards.

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Another thing that sets Leovegas apart from the rest is that aside from its welcome bonus offers, the casino also comes with lots of promotional offers that Irish players can take advantage of. To know more about these promotions, navigate to the promotion page by clicking on promotion on the top left-hand side of the screen. There is a separate page for the Live Casino section, which features nearly 50 titles. LeoVegas is well and truly industry-leading for its customer care and service, and it has invested a lot of time and money into this.

Leovegas Casino Games Overview

The second pillar of the bonuses are promotions that are aimed at existing customers. The LeoVegas website offers you a unique design that is both functional and clear. This basically replaces a filter function, since you can either search for providers or specifically for individual online slots. Also, Irish players are certain to receive the appropriate help in case they find themselves in a clutch. Still, with such well-written policies and the 24/7 availability of customer support, we cannot help but feel as if phone support should have been present too. Should you encounter any issues at LeoVegas Casino, we recommend getting in touch with a staff member.

They have partnered with over 15 different gaming developers which means that you get a range of diverse games, styles of play, and frequent new releases during your membership. Adding to your offers options at LeoVegas Casino, you will notice that you have a VIP progression bar as part of your account. Fill that bar up and you will be able to qualify for the VIP rewards. Three of the main reasons to choose Neteller as your casino payment option are safety, availability and convenience. THE Cheltenham Festival is underway and new LeoVegas customers can get Day 4 off to a flyer with this sensational offer.

Leovegas Casino Review Table Of Contents

The MGA is one of the strictest and most demanding gambling authorities in Europe. Since the provider presented here is regulated by the MGA, LeoVegas must adhere to applicable EU law, and you can rule out fraud. Furthermore, the platform has a valid UK license issued by the Gambling Commission and a Danish license for lottery and gambling issued by the Danish Gambling Authority. In addition to a very appealing game catalog of slot machines, users have also had the opportunity to place sports bets with the portal since May 2016. In October 2017, LeoVegas bought its competitor Royal Panda for several million euros, which is now also one of the hottest internet gaming sites around.

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With reputable providers like LeoVegas, the probability of a win or loss is not in the hands of the provider. LeoVegas combines the strongest payment providers under one roof. With a required minimum deposit of €10, LeoVegas is below the standard amount of most online providers. When it comes to bonuses, LeoVegas shows its teeth to the competition. Especially the welcome package underlines this claim of the LeoVegas bonus very clearly. In other words, the crediting of the promotional benefits is tied to the fulfillment of some requirements.

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LeoVegas has a full help centre where you can find information on a variety of different topics, like deposit and withdrawals, account verification, bonuses and playing on mobile. You can get in touch with the customer support team via the form directly on the site, or via live chat which is the quickest and most efficient way to speak to a representative. You can also request a callback from a customer support team member if you’d prefer to speak over the phone. In total, there are 150 tables that present the most immersive experience there is in online gameplay. The live casino feature of LeoVegas Casino is a streaming platform of real games played in real-time.

You really can’t beat the convenience of online gambling games, and our Casino Review section is here to show you all the best options in Ireland, as well as tell you what they’re doing right. The simplistic design of the website will appeal to most users and while there is little in the way of bells and whistles here, this can be a distinct advantage for the user. LeoVegas Free Bets launched their sportsbook platform in 2016 and since then they have enjoyed huge growth in this sector. LeoVegas Sports is home to all the popular sports and some of the obscure ones, not to mention non-sporting events.


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What is Yoga

Yoga is a spiritual discipline that is based on science that concentrates on bringing harmony between mind, body, and soul. Yoga is a science and art of healthy and sound living. The word ‘Yoga’ is derived from the Sanskrit word ‘Yuj’, signifying ‘to join’ or ‘to combine’ or ‘to unite’. Both Yoga and Ayurveda are historically closely related and have developed in tandem with each other since ancient times. According to Yogic sacred writings, the act of Yoga prompts the union of individual consciousness with that of Universal Consciousness, showing an ideal congruity between the mind and body, Man and Nature. Yoga is believed to balance the three doshas Vata, Pitta, & Kapha.

As indicated by modern scientists, everything in the universe is only an appearance of a similar quantum atmosphere. One who experiences this oneness of existence is said to be in yoga and is named a yogi, having achieved a state of Mukti, Nirvana, or Moksha. The prime objective of Yoga is Self-realization, to overcome all types of suffering prompting ‘the state of salvation (Moksha) or ‘freedom’ (Kaivalya). Yoga, being generally considered as an ‘Immortal cultural outcome’ of Indus Saraswati Valley civilization – going back to 2700 B.C., has substantiated itself by taking into account both material and spiritual upliftment of humanity.

History of Yoga: –

The science of Yoga has its origin some thousands of years ago long before any religion and belief systems were born. Yoga is believed to have started at the very dawn of civilization. Shiva is viewed as the Yogi or Adiyogi, and the principal Guru or Adi Guru.

A few thousand years back, on the banks of the lake Kantisarovar in the Himalayas, Adiyogi poured his significant knowledge into the legendary Saptarishis or “seven sages”. The sages took this effective yogic science to various parts of the world, including Asia, the Middle East, Northern Africa, and South America. Interestingly, present-day researchers have noted and wondered about the nearby parallels found between ancient societies over the globe. However, it was in India that the yogic framework discovered its complete expression. Agastya, the Saptarishi who traveled across the Indian subcontinent, made this culture around a core yogic lifestyle.

This was the time when Yoga was being practiced under the immediate direction of the Guru and its spiritual esteem was given supreme importance. It was a part of Upasana and yoga sadhana was inbuilt into their ceremonies. Sun was given the most noteworthy significance during the Vedic period. The act of Surya namaskar may have been invented later because of this impact. Pranayama was a part of daily ritual and offered the oblation. Even though Yoga was being practiced in the pre-Vedic period, the great Sage Maharshi Patanjali systematized and classified the then existing practices of Yoga, its significance, and its related information through his Yoga Sutras. After Patanjali, numerous Sages and Yoga Masters contributed incredibly to the preservation and development of the field through their well-documented practices and Literature.

During the pre-Vedic period (2700 B.C.), the historical evidence of the existence of Yoga was seen, and thereafter till Patanjali’s period. Vedas, Upanishads, Smritis,teachings of Buddhism, Jainism, Panini, Epics, Puranas, etc. are the main sources from which we get information about yoga practices and the related literature during this period.

Likely, the period 500 BC – 800 A.D. is considered the Classical time frame which is additionally considered the most fertile and conspicuous period in the history and advancement of Yoga. Amid this period, commentaries of Vyasa on Yoga Sutras and Bhagavadgita, etc. came into existence.This period can be principally devoted to two incredible religious instructors of India – Mahavir and Buddha. The idea of five incredible pledges – Pancha Mahavrata-by Mahavir and Ashta Magga or the eightfold path by Buddha – can be very well considered as early nature of Yoga sadhana. We come across its more unequivocal clarification in Bhagavadgita which has intricately displayed the idea of Gyan yoga, Bhakti yoga, and Karma Yoga. These three types of yoga are still the most noteworthy case of human intelligence and even to this day, people discover peace by following the techniques shown in Gita. Patanjali’s yoga sutra other than containing different parts of yoga is primarily related to the eightfold path of Yoga. The very important commentary on the Yoga sutra by Vyasa was likewise composed. Amid this very period, the aspect of mind was given significance and it was unmistakably brought out through Yoga sadhana, Mind and body both can be conveyed under control to encounter equanimity.The period between 800 A.D. –and 1700 A.D. has been perceived as the Post Classical period wherein the lessons of great Acharyatrayas-Adi Shankracharya, Ramanujacharya, Madhavacharya-were great contributors to this period. The Natha Yogis of Hathayoga Tradition like Matsyendaranatha, Gorkshanatha, Cauranginatha, Swatmaram Suri, Gheranda, Shrinivasa Bhatt are some of the considerable identitieswho popularized the Hatha Yoga practices during this period.

The period 1700 – 1900 A.D. is considered a Modern period in which the amazing Yogacharyas-Ramana Maharshi, Ramakrishna Paramhansa, Paramhansa Yogananda, and Vivekananda, etc. have contributed to the development of Raja Yoga. This was the period when Vedanta, Bhakti yoga, Nathayoga, or Hatha-yoga prospered. The Shadanga-yoga of Gorakshashatakam, Chaturanga-yoga of Hathayogapradipika, and Saptanga-yoga of Gheranda Samhita were the principal tenants of Hatha-yoga.

Presently in contemporary circumstances, everyone has a conviction about yoga practices towards the preservation, maintenance, and promotion of health. Yoga has spread everywhere throughout the world through the lessons of incredible identities like Swami Shivananda, Shri T.Krishnamacharya, Swami Kuvalayananda, Shri Yogendra, Swami Rama, Sri Aurobindo, Maharshi Mahesh Yogi, Acharya Rajanish, Pattabhi Jois, BKS. Iyengar, Swami Satyananda Sarasvati and so forth.

Yoga’s long rich history can be divided into main periods of innovation, practice, and development.

  • Pre-Classical Yoga
  • Classical Yoga
  • Post-Classical Yoga
  • Modern Period

Pre-classical Yoga: –

The beginnings of Yoga were developed by the Indus-Sarasvati civilization in Northern India more than 5,000 years back. The word yoga was initially mentioned in the old sacred texts, the Rig Veda. The Vedas were a collection of writings containing songs, mantras, and rituals to be utilized by Brahmans, the Vedic priests. Yoga was gradually refined and enhanced by the Brahmans and Rishis (spiritualist diviners) who archived their practices and convictions in the Upanishads, an immense work containing more than 200 sacred scriptures. The most famous of the Yogic sacred texts is the Bhagavad-Gita, composed around 500 B.C.E. The Upanishads took the idea of ritual sacrifice from the Vedas and internalized it, teaching the sacrifice of the ego through self-knowledge, action (Karma Yoga), and wisdom (Jnanayoga).

Classical Yoga: –

In this era, Yoga was a combination of various ideas, beliefs, and techniques that contradicted and conflicted with each other. The Classical period is defined by Patanjali’s Yoga-Sutras, the first systematic presentation of yoga. This text narrates the way of Raj Yoga, which was documented sometime in the second century and is often called “classical yoga”. Patanjali organized the practice of yoga into an “eight-limbed path” containing the steps and stages towards obtaining Samadhi or enlightenment. Patanjali is known as the father of yoga and his Yoga-Sûtras still strongly influence most styles of modern yoga.

Post-ClassicalYoga: –

A few centuries after Patanjali, yoga masters created a system of practices designed to rejuvenate the body and prolong life. They dismissed the lessons of the old Vedas and held onto the physical body as the way to achieve enlightenment. They created Tantra Yoga, with radical methods to purify the body and mind to break the knots that bind us to our physical existence. The exploration of these physical-spiritual connections and body-focused practices prompted the formation of what we fundamentally consider yoga in the West: Hatha Yoga.

Modern Period: –

To attract attention and followers, Yoga masters began to travel to the West in the late 1800s and early 1900s. This began at the 1893 Parliament of Religions in Chicago when Swami Vivekananda impressed the attendees with his lectures on yoga and the universality of the world’s religions. In the 1920s and 30s, Hatha Yoga was strongly promoted in India with the work of T. Krishnamacharya, Swami Sivananda, and other yogis practicing Hatha Yoga. Krishnamacharya opened the first Hatha Yoga School in Mysore in 1924 and 1936 Sivananda founded the Divine Life Society on the banks of the holy river of Ganges.

Krishnamacharya produced three students that would continue his legacy and increase the popularity of Hatha Yoga: B.K.S. Iyengar, T.K.V. Desikachar, and Pattabhi Jois. Sivananda was a prolific author, writing over 200 books on yoga, and established nine ashrams and numerous yoga centers located around the world.The importation of yoga to the West continued at a trickle until Indra Devi opened her yoga studio in Hollywood in 1947. Since then, many more western and Indian teachers have become pioneers, popularizing hatha yoga and gaining millions of followers.Hatha Yoga now has many different schools or styles, all emphasizing the many different aspects of the practice.

Types of Yoga: –

Hatha Yoga: –

This is one of the oldest forms of yoga which includes the practice of asanas (Postures) and pranayama (breathing exercises) which brings peace to mind and body and helps prepare the body for deeper spiritual practices such as meditation.

Ashtanga Yoga: –

Ashtanga is a system of yoga that was brought to the modern world by Sri K. Pattabhi Jois. This form of yoga includes six series and each series is a set sequence of asanas, always in the same order. It is typically fast-paced, vigorous, and physically challenging.

Iyengar Yoga: –

Poses are held much longer in this form of yoga to pay closer attention to the precise musculoskeletal alignment within each asana. Another trademark of Iyengar is the use of props, such as blocks, belts, bolsters, chairs, and blankets, which are used to accommodate injuries, tightness, or structural imbalances, as well as teach the student how to move properly into a posture.

Jivamukti Yoga: –

This style of yoga was created in 1984. Chanting, meditation, readings, and affirmations are done in this style of yoga.

Anusara Yoga: –

The Anusara style is a new system of Hatha that teaches a set of Universal Principles of Alignment that underlie all yoga postures while encouraging flowing with grace and following your heart. It is broadly categorized into three parts known as the three A’s and they include attitude, alignment, and action.

Sivananda Yoga: –

It typically begins with Savasana (relaxation pose), kapalabhati, and anuloma viloma, followed by a few rounds of Surya namaskar. Then it moves through Sivananda’s twelve asanas, which together are designed to increase the strength and flexibility of the spine. Chanting and meditation can also be a part of it.

Vinyasa Yoga: –

An active and athletic style of yoga adapted from the traditional ashtanga system in the late 1980s. It essentially means movement synchronized with breath and is a vigorous style based on the rapid flow through a sun salutation. It also refers to the continuous flow from one posture to another.

Power Yoga: –

Power yoga is described as vigorous, vinyasa-style yoga. Power yoga’s popularity has spread across the globe and is now taught everywhere. Because the style can vary, it is recommended that you consult the individual instructor before performing it.

Bikram Yoga: –

It consists of twenty-six postures and two breathing techniques. This style of yoga helps flush toxins, manage weight and allow performers to move more deeply into postures.

ViniYoga: –

Viniyoga refers to an approach to yoga that adapts the various means and methods of practice to the unique condition, needs, and interests of the individual. This style of yoga helps in self-discovery and personal transformation.

Kundalini Yoga: –

Kundalini incorporates multiple movements or exercises, dynamic breathing practices, chanting, meditation, and mantras. Each specific kundalini exercise, referred to as a kriya, is a movement that is often repeated and is synchronized with the breath. The practice is designed to awaken the energy at the base of the spine to draw it upward through each of the seven chakras.

Yin Yoga: –

Yin yoga is a slow-paced style in which poses are held for five minutes or longer. Even though it is passive, yin yoga can be quite challenging due to the long duration holds, particularly if your body is not used to it. The purpose is to apply moderate stress to the connective tissue – the tendons, fascia, and ligaments – to increase circulation in the joints and improve flexibility.

Yoga works on the level of one’s body, mind, emotion, and energy. This has given rise to four broad classifications of Yoga: karma yoga, where we use the body; bhakti yoga, where we use the emotions; gyana yoga, where we use the mind and intellect; and kriya yoga, where we use the energy. All the ancient commentaries on Yoga focus on performing Yoga under the direction of a Guru. The reason is that only a Guru can mix the appropriate combination of the four fundamental paths, as is necessary for each seeker.

Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras provide the traditional foundation of yoga, in which he outlines an eightfold path of the practice. Known as the ‘Eight Limbs of Yoga,’ this path offers a guide to individuals who are dedicated to creating a union between body, mind, and spirit.

Each of the Eight Limbs offers a means of living with more integrity, self-discipline, respect for nature, and connection with the spiritual aspects of life. These eight practices are intended to be carried out in a holistic and integrative manner: –

Yamas: – 

Five universal, ethical, and moral observances to live by (nonviolence, truthfulness, non-stealing, continence, and non-covetousness).

Niyamas: – 

Five spiritual and self-discipline observances (cleanliness, contentment, spiritual austerities, study of scriptures, and surrender to God).

Asana: –

physical posture, originally intended only for seated meditation, but more recently adapted to encompass all physical yoga practices.

Pranayama: –

Breathing exercises to control the flow of prana (vital life force)

Pratyahara: – Withdrawal of the senses

Dharana: – Single pointed concentration

Dhyana: – Meditation

Samadhi: – Liberation or blissful union with the Divine

The four traditional paths of yoga are: –

  • Bhakti (devotion)
  • Karma (action/selfless service)
  • Jnana (knowledge/self-study)
  • Raja (self-discipline/practice)

Although modern schools of yoga such as Jivamukti, Bikram, and Sivananda offer alternative interpretations, most are rooted in the same philosophical concepts and practices as Patanjali’s Eight Limbs.

Yoga is also used as a therapeutic tool for many physical and mental conditions, and mind-body research is now demonstrating its effectiveness as a treatment for chronic pain, anxiety, depression, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes, to name but a few.

Namaste, Wishing You a Happy & Healthy Life